Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Show 142 playlist - June 4, 2024

Hi! Here's the playlist for Show 142, which aired Tuesday June 4, 2024:

  1. Scarlett - Metro Goldwyn Mayer
  2. Алла Пугачева - Мы Не Любим Друг Друга
  3. Zdzisława Sośnicka - Zasnęło We Mnie Wszystko
  4. Groovie Et Prouters - Isabelle
  5. Sophie Marie - Dernier Métro
  6. Modo, Zigmārs Liepiņš - Ledus Zieds
  7. Aleksandrs Kublinskis - Ilonija
  8. Nora Bumbiere - Dūdieviņš
  9. Maxime Piolot - Je Suis Né Trop Tard
  10. Dany Darras - Retrouver Mon Coeur
  11. Sophie Daumier - Conseil De Guerre A Ton Enfant
  12. Chantal Bassi - Les Mauvaises Langues
  13. Gilles Naudin - Berlin
  14. Doina Spătaru[-Olinescu] - Balada Plaiurilor Mele (Omagiu Lui Ciprian Porumbescu)
Please tune in two weeks from now on Tuesday June 18 for the next episode. Thanks!

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